Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rice Crisps + Wedding Rings

We picked up our wedding rings today from the jewelery store (they had to size them...) They are just beautiful! I can't wait to wear mine!
I had first visitor at my home in months tonight, we got so caught up in our wedding preparations that we simply did not have time for much else... But Marsel drooped by today, as usually not empty handed. She brought me flowers! (Isn't that sweet?)

She also borough me this little guy...

...I decided to name her Singa, this thing made my day! Check out what it does!

Then we made some rice crispies! It was my first time making them and I am in love with these things! They are so fast to make and are yummy!
rice crispies

If you are interested this is what you do:
You will need:
one stick of butter
5 cups rice crispies serial
10oz marshmallows
whatever else you want to put in there (I put nuts)

You slowly melt the butter until it turns golden, take it off the heat. Then add marshmallows and mix until they are melted (if needed turn the heat back on...) then add the serial and whatever else you want. Grease a pan with some butter, spread the mixture evenly (do it quickly before it cools and sets) smooth it out and leave it to cool. Cut and eat!

We drank some freshly brewed green tea with ice cream and then watched a movie called The Brother Bloom, pretty good one actually.
tea cozy
icecream tea

P.S. In case you have noticed my button, I used a great tutorial on how to make it from this nice little blog.


  1. Congrats on getting your rings! I'm sure you're super excited. :) I have never made rice krispies..but they are sure delicious.

    PS. Thanks for the little shout out. You're sweet! :)

  2. Oooh, that friend of yours, Marsel, seems like a really nice girl... ahahahahahahahaha :D

    Awww... :] I'm so glad you liked the toy and the flowers! <3 I had a great time as well! I looooove having tea with you ^.^ Next tea-party will be at my place! :D


Thanks! :)